
Let's hear it for the boys

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It's no secret every girl loves a good sale.  But guys?  Another story.  I know the longer my bf has to rummage through racks, the more beer will be consumed at the end of the day.  So, what's a guy got to do to scoop up some deals?  Head to your local premium outlets, with one thing on your mind: accessories.  They make an outfit instantly look put together, and if you buy quality, timeless pieces (within your budget), it's a sure fire way to at least look like you know what you're doing when you get dressed in the morning.  Premium outlets can be a total cluster, but it's a great way to buy designer duds that would otherwise be totally unattainable.  Plus, with accessories, there are no long lines for the dressing room, and not much browsing.  You're in and out...just in time to grab 1 beer...ok, maybe 2.


  1. hi! just stumbled upon your sweet blog and couldn't help but hit the follow button! so excited to follow your adventures in the months to come!

  2. I would buy accessories for my man just so that I can borrow it! haha.

  3. Привет всем девочкам! Думаю открыть бюджетный салон красоты, ищу любую полезную информацию для бизнес плана. Может у кого-то есть знания и опыт в этом бизнесе? Сейчас большой выбор оборудования для парикмахерских, косметологических аппаратов. Выбираю между компаниями spashop.com.ua, venko.com.ua, ukrmedgarant.com.ua.Мне в таком количестве новой информации самой разобраться сложно( Подскажите где можно дешево купить теплый баночный воск?


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